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Clinton campaign to raise $1.1 billion for veterans

Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta said on Sunday that his campaign will raise $800 million for veterans’ groups.

“We have a new $1 billion veterans fund.

It will go toward veterans, and we are going to work to get it going,” he told ABC News.

The $800 billion will be paid out over four years through the end of 2022.

The campaign will spend the money on veterans’ advocacy groups, including the American Legion and the American Veterans of Foreign Wars, Podesta said.

“Veterans, you will see a major increase in our veterans’ organization,” he added.

“Our vets will get to participate in our campaign, and they will get the benefits that we promised.”

Clinton has been working to boost her standing in the polls as the Democratic race heads into its final stretch.

On Saturday, she visited her family in Washington, D.C., and thanked those who came to see her.

The former secretary of state has been a fierce critic of the GOP nominee, but has been mostly quiet about her own fundraising efforts.

In October, Clinton’s campaign raised $1 million from the small-dollar donations of more than 100 donors in an effort to boost turnout among the party’s base.

But Clinton’s fundraising prowess has been tested recently as the Clinton campaign has struggled to maintain a level of enthusiasm with the race in its final weeks.

In early October, the campaign announced it would cancel the planned campaign stop at the Lincoln Memorial to help focus on issues affecting veterans and the nation’s veterans.

In recent weeks, the Clinton team has tried to make the most of the momentum.

In the last week of October, Podesta told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he hopes that the Clinton presidential campaign can turn out voters with “some of the same messages” as the presidential campaign.

“The only way we can get this race over the finish line is to make it really clear that veterans are our people, we are not a party, and that we will always be there for them,” Podesta said at the time.

“That’s the only way I can see it working.”

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ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Robert Costa and Darlene Superville contributed to this report.