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How to keep an eye on your plants for the best time of year

It’s not just the flowers that get in the way of a good crop.How well are you using your fertilisers and pesticides?It’s also the time of the year.So how do you know when to take your gardener out to get a fresh plant, and when to cut back on the time you spend at the […]

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Marine Corps says 1,000 troops will be deployed to Guam next month to support military operations

The U.S. Marine Corps said Monday it will deploy 1,100 troops to Guam, the home of the U.s. military’s Pacific Fleet, in response to a surge of North Korean aggression in the region.The deployment of Marines to the islands is part of a push to reassure U.

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When to Start Your Foster Farms: A Primer

In the past few years, the world has seen some incredible examples of how farms can create sustainable livelihoods for their owners.Here are just a few of them.1.Sichuan Foster Farms in Sichu, China A family of six farm workers on a six-day long trip to China.Photo credit: Sichusan Foster Farms 2.A family farm in Brazil.Photo […]

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What is the difference between a fleet farm and a fleet house?

I have had the pleasure of watching hundreds of tractor-trailer fleets over the years and this is the second time I have posted on the topic of tractor farm hours, with this article.As the tractor tractor fleet grows, there is always a demand for the same basic features that make a fleet so successful.I think […]

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