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Which farmer produces the most flowers in one acre?

The number one producer of roses in one hectare in Canada, the Canadian Perennial Growers Association, reported that the industry had a production of 6.2 million roses in 2016.But that’s down from the previous record of 9.8 million roses that was set in the late 1990s.But with the global demand for roses dropping, the association […]

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How to spot a crockpot farmer

The word “crockpot” is synonymous with cooking with a food processor, and it’s easy to see why.But a look at the food and farming fields of a few of the top crockpots around the country tells a different story.In the U.S., farmers use food processors to cook more than 20 percent of their food.In Australia, […]

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Faced with an exodus of workers, Florida Gov. Rick Scott announces a deal to keep farm jobs in state

FLORIDA — Florida Gov, Rick Scott, said Wednesday that the state would continue to keep about 3,600 farm jobs and would work with local governments to create jobs.Scott also said he would work to improve education, expand jobs opportunities for youth, and expand access to affordable child care for low-income Floridians.In a statement, the governor […]

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How to Make the Most of Your Farmer’s Market in 2018

A few months ago, the first of the season was on the horizon.With the harvest of 2018 approaching, I decided to put together a few tips to help make sure my farm stays on track with the season ahead.

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How to write a love letter for your new best friend

Farmer Jean Marie and his wife Jean-Christophe have been married for three years, but the couple are just getting used to living in the same house.“I don’t think we are as close as we want to be,” Jean-Marie said.“We are very happy but we are still getting used.We are still very much friends.”It’s a fact […]

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How much is the White House farm budget?

The White House budget is currently $2.1 trillion in the red.However, the budget is in dire straits and has not been passed into law yet, leaving it to Congress to either raise taxes or cut spending. The Farm Bill passed by Congress in 2010 is expected to provide $1.6 trillion in farm subsidies and support programs, […]

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How to get a farmers credit card and farm credit

Farmers and ranchers often talk about the benefits of their own land and the ability to make a living from it.But a new report shows the credit card options available to farmers are often limited, if not nonexistent.Farmers and rancher Michael Schnepf says many credit cards don’t work for him.They’re not really good for farming.I […]

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How to get the most out of your lavender garden

Posted March 07, 2018 05:13:21When you think of lavender, you might think of roses and lavender trees, but lavender is also used as a plant for its natural antimicrobial properties, making it a favorite for home gardeners and gardeners who want to avoid the common germs and disease-causing agents that come from a garden.If you’re […]

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Why are urban farms the new black market?

The Canadian farmer has built an urban farm in a city that’s a few kilometres from the city’s biggest airport.The farm’s owner, Bill McKibben, is in the midst of an auction of his land to fund the construction of a new school in the same city.But the process of converting his land into a farm […]

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Why you may not want to get the Shady Brook Farm quote

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said he wouldn’t buy the Shaky Brook Farm’s farm animal quote, because he’s not a fan of animal farms.“I don’t like the animals,” he said.“I don’st want to eat the animals.I don’t want to touch the animals, to have them in my house.I just don’t.”A spokesman for the farm confirmed […]

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