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How to save the last remaining sheep farm in the country

Holland Ridge Farm is a small, family-owned, 100% local farm in western Australia.In the 1980s it was one of the last of its kind in Australia.Its owners, David and Catherine Johnston, were trying to sell the farm and decided to go out and farm in a different country, Canada.When they returned to Australia in 2005, […]

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How to build your own brand in your backyard

A simple, healthy way to make your own food is the ultimate backyard recipe.Farm-to-table, vegan food is often a tough sell, but a healthy diet and a well-stocked fridge will help you keep your food fresh and safe.A farm-to, home-cooked meal is all about eating and cooking as many ingredients as you can, and that […]

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How to Make Your Own Worm Farm at Home

A farm that grows worms for human consumption.You might need to purchase a worm farm, but it’s not a hard process.Here’s how to do it.READ MORE > Read more article The farm is located at the outskirts of town, near a well known and popular food market.A sign outside advertises a worm market every day.Maggie’s […]

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The best places in California to live in 2017

With the drought in the spotlight, Malibu farmers have been taking a closer look at their future.In a series of posts, MaliBios reader-submitted pictures show how their farm has been adapting to the drought.While some of the photos depict an area in dire need of water, others show how they are preparing to adapt.In one […]

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Minecraft: XP farm?

If you’re a Minecraft fan who loves to farm, you may want to check out the XP farm, an unofficial mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that allows you to farm XP, XP gems, and XP bars for your Minecraft 1-player farm.The XP farm was first revealed during an AMA on Reddit, but it’s currently being tested […]

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Aussie dairy farmers face huge challenge as prices soar

Farmers and ranchers in rural Australia have been left to cope with soaring prices of milk and eggs, while dairy farms have also faced pressure from the global food supply.Key points:A lot of farmers in rural areas are still struggling with the global economic downturn, and it is a tough task for a lot of […]

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How to get your tax refund and get your vehicle’s license plate number (VIN) on your next rental car lease

A lease contract is a contractual agreement that entitles you to a certain amount of money, typically based on the lease term.For instance, if you rent a vehicle for 10 months and the lease agreement is for a lease term of one year, you would receive $500 from the leasing company per month.But if you […]

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How to create a farm with your Minecraft farm ideas

A farmer has a farm.How do you grow vegetables?How do pigs eat the meat of cows?What about honeybees?It’s all part of the game Farm Bureau, a new series that aims to make farming more fun and accessible.We recently got in touch with Mapleside Farms, the developer behind the series, to ask about its approach to […]

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Which tree farm has the biggest fear?

Larriland Farm in Christchurch is home to some of the most beloved Christmas trees in New Zealand.The farm has a reputation for producing the most colourful Christmas trees around the world, but its fear farm has been on the list of most hated trees ever for decades.“It has a really big effect on people’s behaviour,” […]

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Why Kate Farms are going to take the world by storm

A group of British farmers have decided to set up their own farm in a forest in Scotland.The group, called Kate Farms, aims to create a sustainable and ecologically sensitive environment with the aim of providing food for a growing population in the country.They’ve already received support from the Scottish government, which gave them a […]

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