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The Body Farm: Where the Farm Bureau is taking a bite out of the food system

The body farm has a name.

And it has a history.

The Body Farm, a large cattle farm in North Dakota, has been an enduring symbol of American cattle ranching for decades, providing a snapshot of life in the rural U.S. for many generations.

Its main operations were on the North Dakota farm of Jim and Linda Sperry, who owned it from 1954 to 1962, before they were forced out by the federal government in 1967.

The family’s farm is now owned by the Bureau of Land Management, and they’ve been working on a plan to sell the farm to a private company that plans to turn it into a medical marijuana dispensary.

If the Sperrys do sell the ranch, the body farm will be an iconic symbol of the U.s. farm system.

A look at the history of the farm show its role in the nation’s industrial revolution, and its importance to the American food system.

The Farm Bureau, a federal agency that helps the nation with its food supply, purchased the land in 1966.

The agency later sold the land to the Speringers for $2 million.

While the SPerrys had plans to keep the ranch open for generations, the farm was eventually shut down.

In 2012, the USDA purchased the property.

After the SPERrys closed the farm, they sold it to a local farmer named Jerry Strain.

Strain, who had owned the farm since 1952, and his son, Jason, bought it in the 1980s.

Jason Strain says the Sppingers sold the farm at auction to a group of investors in 2018, which meant it was a legal auction and not a legal farm.

“It was just a land swap,” he said.

“And then we just went through the motions of just being real estate people.

It was a pretty neat process.

It’s been a great investment.”

The farm, which is about 80 miles south of Fargo, North Dakota and about 20 miles from the border of South Dakota and Minnesota, has remained one of the country’s largest and most prominent cattle ranches.

It has been open since at least 1954, and has been run as a nonprofit organization since 2003.

It is not unusual for an individual or group to buy land in the U, such as a family who has inherited a farm or an individual who has moved to the U from abroad.

However, Strain and Jason Strain say they never saw the value of the Spermry ranch in terms of the value they saw in the farm as a symbol.

They have been involved in the process of selling the farm for years.

Their goal is to sell it for $3 million, which would be the highest value ever set for a single property in North America, according to a news release from the Farm Bulletin Association.

When the Sporrys purchased the farm from the federal agency, they had a lot of questions about it, including how the government would be compensated for the farm’s property and its use in the national economy.

What are the rules for how much money is considered a fair market value?

The federal government does not have a written code for determining fair market values for farmland.

It does not determine what the market value of a particular land is.

What it does is try to identify the most equitable way to allocate the income, including income that is derived from labor or other sources.

But Strain said that while the value could have been more fair for the Spersons, it’s not a fair measure of the farmer’s value.

For instance, the SPersons paid $1.2 million in taxes and fees to the state, and the state paid a lot more to maintain the farm.

Strain believes the farm should be valued at the same level as other rural land, but says he believes it should be more valuable than the Spenrs’ other properties.

“It’s a big deal,” Strain told the Fargo Journal in 2018.

“There’s no question that it was one of our most valuable properties.”

The Sperries are now in talks with the Farm Center, which runs the annual annual auction of the nations top private farm property.

The Farm Center says the auction would bring an economic boost to the local economy, and that the S Perrys’ property would be a significant addition to the community’s economic development.

The Speringry family has not given any money away.

The Sperrs have said they are looking to help develop a long-term farm-development plan for the land.