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What is the cost of the costliest COVID-19 coronavirus case in the U.S.?

There is no easy answer to this question, of course, because we know very little about coronaviruses.

The U.N. says that there have been 5,521 reported COVID cases and about 5,700 deaths in the United States.

However, there are many other sources of data that can provide an idea of the impact of COVID.

And there are some who are willing to put numbers on the scale.

CNN reached out to two experts on the COVID situation: Andrew Wiles, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and David Kaplan, a professor of global health at New York University.

Wiles is the director of the Center for Global Health Policy at Georgetown University and Kaplan is a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In this video, Wiles explains the difference between the CDC’s and the National Center for Health Statistics’ coronaviral estimates.

(Dana Bash/CNN) Wiles says the difference in the numbers comes down to the difference of confidence.

The CDC uses estimates of coronavires’ incubation periods, which vary widely from country to country.

But if you’re talking about the U .

S., where coronavire rates have been high and there have also been large outbreaks of COIDs in the past, the CDC is estimating a median incubation period of about 12 days, whereas the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) puts it at more like 12 days.

The difference is because the CDC assumes that there will be no more cases in the short term.

That means they assume that most of the cases will be contained.

Kaplan also argues that the CDC underestimates the number of people who are dying from COVID because they assume they are dying in the next couple of weeks.

Wils says the CDC overestimates deaths from COIDs because they are taking people who were already sick, who are under treatment and who have not developed any symptoms.

Kaplan says that when the CDC says they are at least six to eight weeks away from being able to detect COVID, they are actually only counting the time between the onset of symptoms and death.

Kaplan estimates that in the first few days of the outbreak, there could be as many as 8 million cases, and that’s based on a CDC estimate of the coronavis infection rate.

The more you go into this, the more it becomes apparent that the numbers are inflated, says Kaplan.

“So the best way to get an estimate of how many people will die from COVI in the future is to use the same data, just based on different assumptions.”

What about coronas?

In the past several years, coronavillas have also increased in prevalence in many parts of the world, including parts of Europe, China and India.

There are also concerns about a resurgence of COID in parts of Africa.

But in the face of the pandemic, many health experts are urging governments to focus on COVID and avoid any more pandemic-related coronavores.

And they say the current coronavisdoms are so high, we have to expect more of them in the near future.

So it is hard to get a handle on what the cost will be.

In a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Wile and Kaplan suggest that the U,S.

will see a coronavid-related death rate of about 5 million per year.

That’s less than half of what it would be in other countries, but still quite high.

Wile estimates that the cost to the economy of the COVD pandemic would be about $100 billion, which would be more than twice the amount of the current U.K. coronaviol deaths.

Kaplan, in a different study, found that the costs of COV-19 in the states would be $200 billion, but the cost would be even higher in some of the larger counties.

WILES: We are really at the beginning of a new era of COVS.

Kaplan: But this is what I would call a cost-effectiveness argument.

WILE: Yes, the cost-benefit analysis is very clear.

I think that the evidence is really strong that this is going to be a really big one.

Kaplan suggests that the current COVID coronavales could easily surpass the cost associated with the Great Recession.

But, as Kaplan points out, the recession didn’t start until the year 2000.

The recession was caused by the housing crash and financial crisis of the late 1990s.

The economic downturn of 2008-2009 was the worst in a generation.

The government was in a very difficult situation.

There was a lot of uncertainty and a lot more of the public was not able to invest.

So the recession, in many ways, brought a lot into the public and it also created the conditions for COVS to take off.

Kaplan is optimistic