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What you need to know about bolthouse farms

Bolthouse Farms is one of the most popular rural farm groups in the United States.

For decades, members have worked with local growers to produce and sell their products to local retailers and restaurants.

But it was only last year that Bolthouse began offering its own products.

The farm has since expanded into a variety of crops including soybeans, rice, corn, apples, peppers and potatoes.

We spoke with the farm’s founder, Ben Bolthouse, about his farm’s rise to the top.

ABC News: What made you decide to create a farm?

I had been working in a very different industry and I had an idea that if you can take the farm business and make it a farming business, it would be a great way to keep the farm going.

I decided to start a farm and have the farm become a farm.

I wanted to sell my farm.

What I’m doing now is, I’m selling my farm and I’m not selling my products.

We are a very family-owned and operated business.

ABCNEWS: What was the inspiration behind the farm?

The inspiration came from a farm trip I took when I was in my early 20s, when we were traveling around the country and we went to various farms.

And the farm was kind of a gateway for us to go back to my hometown and meet farmers, who were the people we were talking to.

We were always trying to meet these people.

And it really clicked with the farmers, and it made a connection between the two of us.

I thought, why not try to start this farm and be the first to sell locally?

And then we were off.

The first Bolthouse Farm, which is owned by family Ben Bolthus, was opened in 2016.

ABCNews: What’s it like growing a farm with all the varieties of crops you grow?

It’s a pretty busy time.

It’s been a very busy time for me as well.

I have three kids now, so it’s been pretty hard.

And I’m working at the farm.

So I don’t have the luxury of being home with them.

We have two of the biggest chickens on the farm, and I have about 50 different breeds of chickens.

We’ve had a couple of big storms and they’ve been really, really tough.

We don’t really have a lot of rain.

So it’s a real struggle.

But I think that’s what makes us so successful.

And so the first Bolthouses is now producing more than 60 different varieties of food, including soy beans, rice and corn.

It includes a variety that’s actually from the south of Texas.

That’s a Texas variety called Chihuahua.

And a lot people would call it the chihuahuan, but it’s actually not.

It is actually from Argentina.

And people would think it’s Mexican, but they would be wrong.

It really is a South American variety.

ABCnews: What are the differences between the varieties grown in your farm?

In a lot different ways.

In the case of soybeans and rice, there’s different varieties.

We grow them in different states, and in a lot cases we have different varieties growing in the same farm.

And we grow corn and we grow it in the Midwest.

So there are different varieties in each state.

So in corn, we’ve got a whole variety called Black Corn.

And in rice, we have a whole lot of varieties called American Corn.

So we have all of those varieties growing together.

ABC NEWS: How many people do you have on the Bolthouse farm?

There are about 100 people on the team.

About 25 percent of the team has been on the land since it opened.

And they have been working with us for the last year.

They have been with us every single day.

And now they’re doing it with their own hands.

But about 25 percent are now directly employed, because they are directly employed on the crop.

We do have two people that have grown the corn, who are now going to continue to work on that farm.

But they are working on other crops that are growing on the property, so that’s all they’re really doing on the side.

What are you hoping to do next?

We want to make more money.

But right now, we’re still a small operation.

We’re trying to stay small.

But we have the ability to expand and expand, because we have about 200 acres.

We also have another 60 acres that are leased.

And that is coming soon.

ABCALSO: What kind of crop are you growing?

It is all organic.

And some of the varieties are really tough and are really hard to grow.

But that’s the way we are going to keep going.

And there are a lot more varieties on the way, too.

And hopefully in the next 10 to 15 years, we’ll be able to produce a lot better quality of food than we do now.

ABC: How does Bolthouse compare to other farms