Facing the future with a drug to kill Lyme disease
The medical community has come to accept a new drug to treat Lyme disease, a devastating autoimmune disease that is increasingly affecting many Americans.
In an era when many doctors and patients don’t understand what’s going on, the drugs that are now being used to treat the disease are expected to do just that.
Lyme disease is a devastating, lifelong disease, and there’s no treatment.
But thanks to a drug, a single shot of the drug known as clindamycin can kill the bacteria that cause the disease, making the disease almost completely curable.
“The drug is really a breakthrough,” said Dr. Paul W. Bremner, a professor of medicine at Boston University.
“It’s not a cure for Lyme disease.
It’s a treatment,” he said.
“This is a major step forward in curing this disease.”
The disease, once a deadly killer in the U.S., has been declining since the mid-1990s, but in recent years it has made a comeback in other parts of the world.
Lyme, a chronic inflammatory disease, attacks the body’s central nervous system, causing inflammation, which can lead to fever, weakness and fatigue.
In some cases, it causes joint pain, and in others, it can cause seizures.
Lyme is also highly contagious, but it can be treated effectively only by close contact with someone who is infected.
For decades, doctors had to travel to remote parts of North America to get Lyme disease patients treated.
The number of people who have Lyme disease has been decreasing in recent decades, as more people in the United States have recovered from the disease.
But as the disease has grown in prevalence, fewer people have been able to be treated, and the number of treatments available has been falling.
That’s led to a shortage of doctors and doctors’ offices in some parts of America, with fewer than 100 doctors and clinics in the country for every 100,000 people.
That shortage, combined with the fact that many patients in the rural areas of the country can’t afford expensive expensive tests, led to the creation of a drug called tetracycline.
The drug, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2010, is a combination of the antibiotic tetradecadienecaproate and the antibiotic azithromycin, which are the active ingredients in the popular Lyme disease treatment, doxycycline.
It can be administered as a single, single shot or in a combination.
The number of shots taken each year is limited to about 1.4 million per year in the US, and for those who are not in the treatment population, the drug can be given in combination with another antibiotic.
The drug works by killing the bacteria in the body that causes Lyme disease and prevents the infection from returning.
“When you give the drug to people, they can take a shot of tetracecalciferol every six hours,” said Daniel Siegel, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, who is a senior author on the study.
“And if you give them the drug in combination, it’s going to kill the infection for a long time.”
It’s the first time in a decade that the treatment has been used in a U.K. setting.
The UK is now considering allowing the use of the new drug for the first of two new Lyme treatments approved by Parliament.
The other treatment, erythromycin for pneumonia, is also being evaluated in the UK.
“These are not just new drugs,” Bremning said.
The researchers will use the results to help develop new treatments for Lyme and other diseases.
In the meantime, he and his colleagues are working on a second treatment, called doxycyne, which is designed to treat people who are in the first-line treatment, which includes antibiotics.
It is expected to be approved for use in early 2019.
The study was funded by the British Medical Research Council, which funds Lyme research.
“We’re really excited about this work,” said W. Richard Wilson, director of the Lyme Disease Treatment Program at the British National Institute of Health.
“It’s a really important milestone for this disease, but this is the first study that shows it works.”