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How to make sure you don’t get your farm turned into a drug farm

The farmers who live on the edge of a lush cornfield have been struggling for years to make ends meet, struggling to make a living from cornfields they have harvested and sold.

But in a strange twist, their story might help unravel a mystery that’s been a mystery for decades.

The farmer’s name is Thomas “Tom” Geddes, and he lives in a small house at the edge at the intersection of the State Farm, a sprawling complex of state and federal land near Fairview, North Carolina.

Geddes said he’s been raising cattle for more than 50 years, growing about a dozen or so animals, but he has never seen an agent from the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any of its branches.

He’s also never seen a federal agent.

So what happened to his cattle?

“I didn’t know it, I just knew that it was going to be a very strange place,” Gedds said.

“I had no idea that this was going on.

I just thought it was a crazy thing.”

He’s still waiting to hear back from the USDA, which has told him it has not found any trace of a farm agent.

It’s unclear what led to Gedd’s cattle to be on the property, but some have wondered why the farm would have a cattle operation.

Farmers like Gedd have a difficult time finding land in the Appalachian mountains.

They have to make their living from small, well-established farms that sell their grain, but they have trouble making ends meet when it comes to the cost of living in the area.

Geds has been raising his cattle for years, and is well-known in the community for the way he raises his cattle.

He lives off of a small farm called “The Cattle,” which he calls “the most dangerous place on earth,” because it’s a farm with about 30 horses and cattle.

“There’s just a lot of bulls,” he said.

“There’s no grass.

There’s no water.

And I’m a guy who’s never been out there.”

Gedds doesn’t live in the farm house, but it’s on the other side of the fence.

He drives to his farm to visit his family, who he has met several times, but not many times.

“When you see the kids, they’re always in the house,” he explained.

“And when you go to your house, it’s like they’re out of town.”

Gabbes said his family has been through a lot, but that his wife and children have been a big part of his success.

“My wife and kids have done everything we could to help me raise my cattle,” he told ABC News.

“I think it’s all a matter of perspective.

You have to understand that there’s so much money involved.

It’s a lot more than you realize.”

Gaddes said the farm has become a haven for the local residents and is a good place for them to gather for the winter, when he is out raising cattle.

Gadds said he wants to be the person that helps farmers like him to get the land turned into “a drug farm,” and he believes that’s what he’s done.

“That’s why I have a farm.

I think that’s my motivation,” he added.

“That’s what I’m after.

That’s what’s driving me.”

When ABC News visited his property, it was quiet and tidy, with a lot to do.

There was a small sign on the gate that said “Cattle Farms.”

There was no sign on what kind of operation it was, but there was a sign on his gate that read “Private property.”

The agents on the scene seemed to be there for a reason.

“It’s a big farm.

There is a lot going on,” one of the agents told ABC affiliate WAGG.”

What you have here, you know, is a small family ranch,” another agent said.

But it’s hard to know for sure if that’s true.

A few weeks ago, ABC News received an email from a farmer in North Carolina that says his son was arrested for allegedly being a drug dealer on his farm.

The son said he is a drug addict.

The Farm at State Farm Farm is a sprawling property in Fairview County, North, that stretches over two counties and has about 30,000 acres.

State Farm said it is “fully cooperating” with the investigation.ABC News spoke with Tom Gedders through a translator.

He said that although he does not live on his property he has not been in contact with any agents from the federal government.

He also said that he believes he’s being unfairly targeted by the USDA.

“The USDA, they have no idea what I do, I do what I have to do,” he claimed.

“They’re just taking what I say, putting it in a hat, and putting it out there as fact.”