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Minecraft: The Farm Idea That Will Make You Think You Know Everything

Posted April 24, 2018 08:06:01The first Minecraft game was released in 2002.In the world of Minecraft, you are a farmer who wants to build an amazing farm that is populated by animals.You build your farm in the style of a traditional farm and collect crops, animals, and ingredients.You can buy your farm from a merchant […]

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Which Minecraft farm would you like to visit?

In case you’ve forgotten what Minecraft is, here’s a quick rundown: you build a farm in a virtual world and you build stuff, including animals and other creatures, that you can use in your own creations.It’s similar to Minecraft’s traditional farming.It can be played on a tablet or phone, but you can also get a […]

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How to create a farm with your Minecraft farm ideas

A farmer has a farm.How do you grow vegetables?How do pigs eat the meat of cows?What about honeybees?It’s all part of the game Farm Bureau, a new series that aims to make farming more fun and accessible.We recently got in touch with Mapleside Farms, the developer behind the series, to ask about its approach to […]

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How a California farm could become a state farm

A California farm might soon be one of the first in the country to use drones for research, and it has the potential to have a ripple effect across the nation.In the meantime, however, a group of California farmers are fighting to make sure that the drone experiment doesn’t take too much time away from […]

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