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What farmers need to know about vertical farming

Farmers across the US are taking notice of the rise of vertical farming, which allows them to grow crops on a vertical platform rather than using a traditional horizontal farm.

Farmers are also using this technology to reduce their carbon footprint, boost the economy and save the planet, according to a new report by the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.

The report found that the number of vertical farms has increased by more than 60 per cent since 2008, from 6,400 farms to over 25,000 in the last two years.

And farmers in some regions are increasingly turning to this technology as their climate change and pest problems make it more difficult to sustain traditional farms.

But for the most part, farmers are still finding it difficult to make the transition.

“Vertical farming is not going to save the world,” said Jim Cogley, the executive director of the coalition.

“The answer is not to get rid of traditional farming, but to change how we do it.”

Cogley said many farmers are using the new technology to improve the quality of their food.

“We want to feed the world and make it better, and that’s the key,” he said.

This is the first in a two-part series exploring the impact of vertical agriculture on the world.

Part 2 will look at how farmers are creating their own vertical farms in the US.