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How the California mushrooms business has evolved

A decade ago, the world was still in shock over the massive mushroom explosion that killed more than 100 people in Japan in March 2001.

But a decade later, the mushroom industry has taken a significant hit as the government in California, New York and New Jersey enacted strict regulations that require growers to keep their operations under strict supervision.

The government regulations are aimed at stopping a wave of illegal mushroom farming in the United States, where the mushroom craze has exploded in recent years, and has prompted some companies to close their operations.

California’s mushroom farm law, which took effect on Feb. 1, was intended to help curb the mushroom farming crisis, which was estimated to cost the state an estimated $100 million a year.

The California mushroom industry is a major source of revenue for the state, with growers employing around 1.8 million people, according to a January report by the state Department of Food and Agriculture.

That industry has seen an explosion in recent decades, according a recent report by a non-profit that tracks the mushroom trade.

But the industry has been hit hard by the new regulations, which were imposed on farms and mushroom businesses in all three states, and have forced companies to move operations elsewhere.

A 2015 report by San Francisco-based economic research firm Cowen & Co. estimated that the California mushroom business could lose $3.5 billion in revenue by 2020.

In a separate report released this week, Cowen predicted that California’s legal farm sector would lose $2.5 million in 2020, with about $500 million in annual losses.

The mushroom industry’s impact on the state is felt most dramatically in the wine industry, which has been hammered by a wave the past several years.

The California wine industry generated $7.9 billion in sales in 2016, according the U.S. Wine Institute, and about $3 billion of that was in wine.

The state also exported about $300 million worth of wine in the year ending in June, according data from the U,S.

Department of Agriculture.

The U.K.-based wine industry is also a major player in the state.

It exported $9.7 billion worth of goods and services in 2016.

In 2016, the wine and wine-making industries were the third-largest economic sector in California with an estimated total employment of 1.9 million people.

But California is facing a new challenge.

In July, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill requiring that growers keep the farms under strict quarantine for at least 72 hours.

The legislation also requires that growers submit to the state’s mandatory fingerprinting program, which will also require growers and growers’ staff to wear tracking devices to identify potential health hazards.

The measure was passed after the California Department of Public Health warned that the law was creating health risks.

California’s law was widely criticized as an overreach, especially given the fact that the legislation only applies to farms and not mushroom farms.

The bill has been met with widespread opposition, and the bill is expected to face a legislative challenge in the 2018 legislative session.

California is now moving to reinstate the mandatory fingerprint requirements, but it’s unclear whether the state will follow through on the mandate.

In January, the U-S.

Supreme Court ruled that the federal government cannot require states to conduct mandatory fingerprint programs, and in March, a federal judge ruled that California must comply with the law.

The new law will not affect the state of California’s other agricultural industries, such as the wine, food and beverage and tourism industries.

In addition to the mushroom business, California has been dealing with a massive outbreak of salmonella in restaurants and other food service businesses that has forced the closure of more than 500 restaurants.

The federal government has also cracked down on the production of marijuana, with the Trump administration ending its prohibition on marijuana for medicinal purposes.

And while the Trump Administration has pushed back on marijuana legalization in states like Colorado and Washington, federal agents continue to seize hundreds of millions of dollars from businesses and individuals who have grown and sold marijuana in states that have legalized marijuana for medical purposes.