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What’s next for the world’s first pig farm?

The world’s biggest pig farm is a $5 billion enterprise that aims to produce the world s largest pig and chicken meat.

But its future is also uncertain.

Read moreAt the center of the pig farm’s operation is a pig pen in eastern Pennsylvania.

The facility, called Piggy Island, is being built by a Dutch company called Tilth.

Tilth says it’s the worlds largest pig pen and will supply the world with 100 million pigs.

The company says it plans to produce up to 10 million pigs a year.

It says it has a manufacturing plant in North Carolina.

But some people are skeptical of the farm’s future.

In a letter to the New York Times, Tilth’s chief operating officer, Tom Dufort, said, “The project is moving forward at a snail’s pace, with only one pig and one chicken produced in the first year, and then a steady stream of delays and other technical problems.

We have not had a single chicken raised since July of 2015.”

Tilth’s main problem is the technology it uses to produce meat.

The meat is typically ground and processed at an outdoor facility in the Netherlands.

Tilh’s plant is built at a facility that’s not in a natural habitat, and it can’t be easily scaled up to produce more animals, according to the Times.

In the past year, Tilh has been testing a new way to produce its meat, and the results are encouraging.

The pig meat is now cheaper than what Tilth sells.

Tilgh has also raised funds to hire a new, cheaper way to make meat at its plant.

It’s a step in the right direction.

But Tilgh says it needs a lot more time to ramp up production to meet the demand.

“We are very much committed to meeting the demand of pig meat for a long time to come,” Tilgh’s chief executive, Joerg van der Maas, told the Times earlier this year.

“Our goal is to get there.”

But some critics are not convinced.

The farm has become a flashpoint in an ongoing debate over the future of the animal agriculture industry.

Some animal rights groups, including the Humane Society of the United States, have argued that the industry needs to evolve to keep up with the demand for meat and other products.

They say the pig factory is one example of the problems that crop up in the meat industry.

Others, including animal welfare groups, are concerned about the long-term effects of the factory’s operation on the environment.

For now, Tilgh and other companies say they’re moving ahead with the factory, and that’s good news for the environment and the environment’s health.

But there’s another reason for optimism about the pig production industry.

It could be a way to save the environment, some scientists argue.

It’s a good place to startIt’s not an easy problem to solve, said David Pollock, a senior scientist at the Earth Institute in New York City.

It takes years and years and decades to figure out how to get to this stage, but once you have a technology like this, it’s very, very easy to do that, he said.

It would take a lot of money to change the technology to meet demand, he added.

But if you could get it right, that would mean you could have the right equipment, and you could move forward with that technology, he told ABC News.

There’s no reason for Tilgh to abandon its factory or the pig business, he suggested.

It may be a better place to begin.

If the world can get to the point where it can produce pork without raising animals, it could save the planet, said Peter Piotrowski, director of the University of Arizona’s Center for Agricultural and Environmental Economics.

That’s good.

If you can reduce emissions, you save the world, he continued.

It could also provide a way for other companies to raise pigs without raising the prices of meat, Piotrowksi said.

But that’s a very tall order, he noted.

It would take millions of pigs and tens of millions of animals.

Tilhs plant in eastern North Carolina is the only one in the United, so there is a lot to do to get Tilgh up and running.

The farm’s main challenges, though, lie in the logistics.

There’s only one plant to build and operate, and its employees are often working overtime.

And the pig pens are built on land that is protected by a protected forest.

That land is an issue for environmental activists, as well.

We want to make sure that people are not exploited, Pritrowksy said.

But the industry is not going to build an open-air factory that’s going to put thousands of people in danger.

It has also been a hot spot for animal rights activists.

When they started campaigning for the end of factory farming, the issue was very, big.

There was a lot at stake