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Snake River Dairy Farm owner faces criminal charges

A man who owns a dairy farm in southeastern Washington state was indicted Wednesday on two counts of felony animal cruelty, a misdemeanor, and a misdemeanor charge of theft after a man allegedly stole a pair of snakes from the farm.The charges stem from an incident last month when a man who lives at the […]

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Why it’s a bad idea to buy from a foster farm

Foster farms are the main source of foster kids in England and Wales, and have become a target for campaigners as they become a source of welfare problems for children.The Government is considering a bill to ban them from the market, and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has said the […]

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Royal Farms farm ‘loses’ 80% of its crop in a new outbreak

A Kentucky farmer who has been battling a new strain of the white post crop is losing 80 percent of the crop in what is being called a “national crisis”.The farmer, David F. Roberts, said he is in a “death spiral” after farmers in his region reported finding new strains of the worm that is […]

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The Body Farm: Where the Farm Bureau is taking a bite out of the food system

The body farm has a name.And it has a history.The Body Farm, a large cattle farm in North Dakota, has been an enduring symbol of American cattle ranching for decades, providing a snapshot of life in the rural U.S. for many generations.Its main operations were on the North Dakota farm of Jim and Linda Sperry, […]

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Why are there so few animals on your farm?

There are far too few animals, especially on our farms, to warrant a blog post.The truth is that most of us aren’t really interested in being on a farm at all, much less trying to be a farmer.As a result, most of the farm work is pretty dull and repetitive, and most of our animals […]

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When you need a farm-fresh lunch in the Mendocino National Forest

Farmers and ranchers around the Mendo Canyon national park have a new menu item: The Phat Farm.The farm is located just west of the Bitterroot River in Mendocina National Forest.“They do the PhatFarm, where you get the whole phat, it’s so good,” says Jim Bittles, director of the park.“And then we’ve got our traditional ranch, […]

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How the white post farmer gets by on a farm

A white post farming farm is the only way to feed your family on a small, self-sustaining income.You don’t need to be an experienced farm hand to set up a small farm, as you’ll find a variety of tips and tips to help you set up your own farm, whether you are starting a new […]

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How to get a job with Kentucky farm bureau?

The Biggest Little Farm is a weekly roundup of the best articles from around the internet.Here’s what you need to know.1.You can’t find Kentucky farm work, but there are a lot of jobs in the state.The biggest farm bureau is based in Louisville and is one of the largest in the country.They’re also a part […]

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How to Make Your Own Blackberry Farm: The Ultimate Guide

KATE FARM, Ohio — It was the summer of 1977, and a new breed of farmer was emerging.As the nation faced the worst drought in nearly 50 years, farmers across the country were taking advantage of the plentiful sunshine and plentiful money to grow a new crop of crops that could provide a respite from […]

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How to get started as a farmer in Alberta’s rural heartland

Farm and home have been the bread and butter of Alberta’s farming community for decades.However, as more and more rural residents moved to urban centres and urban areas with more expensive housing, it became increasingly difficult to afford a large farm.In the early 2000s, Alberta became one of the first jurisdictions in North America to […]

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