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Why White House farm program is more profitable than many expected

The White House’s farm program, which has been criticized for its high costs, is actually more profitable, a new study finds.It found that the program had an annual surplus of $8 billion in fiscal year 2018, compared with an annual deficit of $3.8 billion during the same period last year.“There was not a whole lot […]

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How much is the White House farm budget?

The White House budget is currently $2.1 trillion in the red.However, the budget is in dire straits and has not been passed into law yet, leaving it to Congress to either raise taxes or cut spending. The Farm Bill passed by Congress in 2010 is expected to provide $1.6 trillion in farm subsidies and support programs, […]

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Wind farm project to include 100-foot-tall turbines

New Jersey Gov.Chris Christie says he will sign a bill Wednesday that will require wind farms to be 100 feet tall and include a wind turbine.The bill, signed by Gov.Jon Corzine, is aimed at protecting the environment by requiring wind farms and other large energy infrastructure to be built to meet national standards.Corzine says he […]

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