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What is a Blackberry?

Blackberry is the name given to the iconic blackberry bushes on a lot of farms in Tennessee and Georgia.The term is used to describe the wide-leaved bushes that can grow to 40 feet (12 metres) in height.Blackberrys are also known as the “whiteberries” because they produce white berries.It is the first fruit of the spring […]

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What you need to know about bolthouse farms

Bolthouse Farms is one of the most popular rural farm groups in the United States.For decades, members have worked with local growers to produce and sell their products to local retailers and restaurants.But it was only last year that Bolthouse began offering its own products.The farm has since expanded into a variety of crops including […]

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‘Famously expensive’ farm store is sold at £10,000 a week

Farmers and shoppers in the UK are facing a new problem as supermarkets are selling at a “famously pricey” price.According to figures from the Farmland Price Index (FPI), a website run by the National Farmers Union, a store in Bury St Edmunds, Bournemouth, costs a whopping £10.8 million a year, and a local supermarket in […]

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How to write a love letter for your new best friend

Farmer Jean Marie and his wife Jean-Christophe have been married for three years, but the couple are just getting used to living in the same house.“I don’t think we are as close as we want to be,” Jean-Marie said.“We are very happy but we are still getting used.We are still very much friends.”It’s a fact […]

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When the summer comes, the summer will come to you, and we’ll be the ones getting it all, with this

article article title How the Summer of 2018 is coming to you article title I love the Summer and I love everything about it article title The Summer of 2019 is coming, and it’ll be a summer of the most awesome things ever.article title It’s the Summer you can’t wait to be in the middle […]

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GOP: Trump will veto $2 billion bill to rebuild Texas arena

Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican, said Thursday that House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., would veto the $2.5 billion bill they are scheduled to introduce Thursday to rebuild the state’s state-of-the-art arena.The bill would fund construction of the new arena by increasing a portion of the federal government’s $1.5 trillion economic […]

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How to make your own garden with your own kitchen sink

Farm Bureau login – This article is a guest post from Laura.Laura is an independent author and foodie living in Sydney.Her new book The Cookery Bible is available for purchase on Amazon and her blog is TheCookeryBible.com.

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This is the Strawberry Farm That’s Been on the Run for 20 Years

We know that we’ve all seen this one before.It’s the story of a strawberry farm in California that was hit by a tornado.It was a story about the struggles of the farmers who couldn’t sell their produce.And the fruit that we harvest each year was just one piece of the puzzle.But we were never allowed […]

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Farm Fence – Iron Farm Clipart

Farm fences are an interesting idea.The idea is to create a farm that looks like a fence, but allows for a much smaller farm.Farm fences, in the form of metal fences, have been around for years.But the metal fence can also be made out of other materials like concrete.The metal fence has also become a […]

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How much is the White House farm budget?

The White House budget is currently $2.1 trillion in the red.However, the budget is in dire straits and has not been passed into law yet, leaving it to Congress to either raise taxes or cut spending. The Farm Bill passed by Congress in 2010 is expected to provide $1.6 trillion in farm subsidies and support programs, […]

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