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How to watch ‘The Last Jedi’ in 60 seconds with 60 second countdown

It’s been a long time since a Star Wars film opened in cinemas, and with the release of The Last Jedi, it looks like we might finally have one in the coming weeks.To help you get your fix of the latest in the saga, EW has compiled a countdown to see just how long it’ll […]

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Carrigan farms will open by end of next year

It looks like the future of farm production is finally here.Carrigan Farms, the largest organic and sustainable food farm in Canada, has been awarded a $2.7 million grant from the Government of British Columbia to begin the process of turning a single-story, 10-acre farmhouse into a full-scale organic farm.The farmhouse is expected to open in […]

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How to fix a kimball that broke the internet

Farmers and farm equipment owner Kimball Farms have finally found a way to fix the internet, thanks to a clever little kimBALL.The farm’s “Internet Home” is a small wireless antenna that connects to the internet using Wi-Fi.Using it you can listen to a variety of podcasts, watch movies, and download content online.The company is now […]

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What is the cost of the costliest COVID-19 coronavirus case in the U.S.?

There is no easy answer to this question, of course, because we know very little about coronaviruses.The U.N. says that there have been 5,521 reported COVID cases and about 5,700 deaths in the United States.However, there are many other sources of data that can provide an idea of the impact of COVID.And there are some […]

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How to eat your dog food

Farmer’s dog foods contain ingredients that are known to cause serious health problems.They are not recommended for people with allergies or medical conditions.The company says its dog food is made from 100% animal-free ingredients, and it doesn’t use any antibiotics or growth promoters.In a statement to ABC News, the company said it is not a […]

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How to cook the perfect steak for Thanksgiving dinner

The first time I cooked a steak for a family, I didn’t know what to expect.I didn, however, know how to prepare it properly.A year later, I still struggle to cook an authentic dinner, and I have a great deal of respect for those who cook steak well.Here’s my list of 10 tips to ensure […]

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Pumpkin farmers, farmers of their own, will soon be able to grow their own farm food, too

Farm produce will be sold through a new online marketplace, called FarmVine, as part of an ambitious expansion of the US-based farm supply chain.The online marketplace has been launched with a goal of creating “farmers-to-market,” a market for farmers to sell their produce online.The new marketplace, which will be available to consumers on April 15, […]

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Which Minecraft farm would you like to visit?

In case you’ve forgotten what Minecraft is, here’s a quick rundown: you build a farm in a virtual world and you build stuff, including animals and other creatures, that you can use in your own creations.It’s similar to Minecraft’s traditional farming.It can be played on a tablet or phone, but you can also get a […]

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Why ‘the best game ever’ isn’t a game at all anymore: IGN

The “best game ever” is no longer a word that you might hear used in casual conversation when someone is being sarcastic.We’ve had enough.“Best game ever”?I don’t see why it was ever a thing, and if it ever was a thing it was long since out of fashion.There are now hundreds of games out there […]

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Aussie dairy farmers face huge challenge as prices soar

Farmers and ranchers in rural Australia have been left to cope with soaring prices of milk and eggs, while dairy farms have also faced pressure from the global food supply.Key points:A lot of farmers in rural areas are still struggling with the global economic downturn, and it is a tough task for a lot of […]

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